Wednesday 11 November 2020

Am I Obsessed With Paying Off Debt?

Why paying off my debt has become so important to me isn't a vexing question. The answer to this question is simple - I'm sick of debt eating away at my money and I want to be in control of my finances.

For many years I haven't looked after myself or my money. Clearing debt and getting fit are noble and responsible goals to have. I started this debt blog to track my debt and health, to publish how you can turn your finances and health around.

The dark excesses of debt can lead you down a dark financial path. A place where you are saddled with debt and struggle to make ends meet, let alone save up for something. After years of austerity, huge public service cuts and due to the uncertainly of the Brexit vote I thought it was best to Keep Out of DebtExit. On top of this we have Covid 19 attacking the economy and jobs.

I'm not sure what the new economic picture may bring for the UK, I'll leave that to the policymakers, however at least I could start to take control of my own financial borders and shopping rules. I decided it would be nice to have a surplus every month and actually keep the money I earn instead of debt and interest payments gobbling it all up. This meant clearing my all my debts using fiscal discipline and some austerity of my own.

I've found a new hobby that I enjoy and it makes a bit of cash. Beside keeping me accountable the other reasons I blog about debt and my finances is I make money from the advertising. It's not much but the little I do make is paid into my debt helping to bring down the amount I owe. Like Tesco say "Every little helps".

I'm learning new things about managing money and balancing my budget. I've learned to delay gratification by not using credit anymore, tightening my belt (I can literally do this now since losing weight), break bad financial habits and learned how to be more frugal with my money.

These are the secrets to getting wealthy. Growing up we aren't taught enough about personal finance and if we are we don't listen or forget the financial wisdom we receive when we hit adulthood and start our first jobs.

We know we should be more prudent with our money. The financial strategy of saving money, avoiding debt is the right thing to do and a solid way to riches but wants, temptation, financial circumstances and unfortunate events push us into debt.

Before we know it we've overdone the borrowing with shopping trips, car loans, an overdraft and a galactic mortgage debt. Now is the time to leave all that debt behind and build wealth for you, your family and your future.

We under-invest in our retirement and financial independence all for the sake of buying stuff on credit. Don't worry you're not alone, I'm a debt sinner too, so I decided to do something about my health and wealth and created Healthy Debt Diet.

It's was a life changing decision, I wanted not only to dream about being debt free but actually be debt free.

I believe that blogging about your health mission and your personal finance journey will help you achieve your goals and keep you motivated. It forces me to stay committed, follow through and practise what I peach. Without running this blog I may have quit by now.

So is paying off my debt an obsession? I wouldn't say that I'm obsessed with paying back my debt, I just run a debt blog about it.

With some determination and support you can pay off your debts. As well as me I want you to succeed in paying off your debt too, that is why I launched the Health Debt Diet, its aim is to help households clear their debts.

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