Wednesday 3 February 2021

Celebrities Diets Should Be Banned

The power of celebrity diets and the pushing for the perfect body should be banned. Celebrity endorsements and influencers can promote something and it sells out over night. Companies are spending millions on using the power of celebrities to make us spend money.

The more social media overlaps our lives, the more important it becomes to control how it influences us into believing that everyone has the perfect body and is living the perfect life.

Celebrity diet marketing can become dangerous for our mental health and body image. And for the generate who have grown up with social media it has a damaging effect on young minds.

Lots of unethical brands and iffy companies prey on young impressionable minds to sell their overpriced junk diet products. It even works on adults who are taken in with the fitness bullshit and purchase stuff from the shop at InfoWars.

If you want your tummy to get flatter and feel better then eat the right foods and do some exercise. Your health and fitness problems aren't going to be solved by drinking a meal replacement shake sponsored by some hot celebrity with 50 million followers on Instagram.

Celebrity diets and weight loss products pray on our insecurities, lack of confidence and the hope of a magic cure for our body's. For women there is a huge amount of pressure to look slim and beautiful. For men you are supposed to have muscles with a six pack and a handsome jaw line.

People never just look a certain way overnight and believing they do is inaccurate and unhelpful. It is counterproductive to peddle these dirty diets and garbage products.

The diet industry loves selling "the dream" because it makes them a fortune. Most of the stuff they make is ineffective and some can be harmful. Therefore I think there should be a ban of celebrity diets and the advertising of diet pills, slimming shakes and appetite suppressants.

If all these weight loss aids and diet products worked so well why it's society thinner and fitter? It's time to crackdown and ban the promotion of this diet rubbish and get fit fast.

There are no fast fixes or fad diets to solve weight loss. You can't get your dream body and shed weight without a real diet plan and health programme to address the issues you have.

I don't need to tell what healthy stuff you should be eating and drinking. Weight loss isn't achieved by putting chemicals into your body. Magic pills and skipping meals isn't the right approach for diets - healthier eating and smaller portions are. You can't tone up your body with vitamin supplements, "dieting tea" and miracle cures.