Wednesday 26 May 2021

Have you Ever Met a Fat Vegetarian?

Think about it, have you ever seen a fat vegetarian? Probably not. In fact, for most of us, vegetarian is almost synonymous with lean and healthy, isn’t it? And when you start any diet, what’s the first thing the experts tell you? Generally it’s to increase the amounts of vegetables you’re eating and to eat limited amounts of meat, especially high-fat red meat and pork.

And what happens when you resume your old eating habits? Generally the weight will come right back on. Even the greatest will-power can’t overcome the unhealthy effects of eating high-fat meat.

When you eat a diet that’s higher in dietary fiber, that’s primarily if not totally vegetarian, you’re naturally healthier. You’re feeding your body and getting it the nutrition it needs to run efficiently. You have more energy and stamina; you wake up more easily and more refreshed. It’s easier to exercise, because you’re not so weighed down by digesting the high fat and excessive protein that comes from eating a carnivorous diet.

Many diets fail because we think of them as depriving ourselves of food we love. The trick is to change that thinking. There are so many compelling reasons to reduce meat from our diet, so why not forget about losing weight? Focus instead on eating healthier, or eating in a way that’s in balance with the earth, and that doesn’t need to subsist on the suffering of animals. You’ll probably find you’ll start to lose weight without even thinking about it.

And when you do lose weight, so many other health risks can fall by the wayside as well. You’ll find your blood pressure falls into a healthier range and your risk for Type II diabetes can decrease. You’ll look better and feel better and probably never go back to your old ways of eating.

Sunday 2 May 2021

Company Bonus

Each year every employee get a bonus based on last year's profits and personal performance. There is always a buzz around the workplace as people wait for their reviews to see how much they are going to receive and what they will spend it on after the taxman has taken his piece.

In previous years I’ve bought a cheap £700 car, used the money to go on holiday, bought a new PC and lots of other gadgets.

Can you guess what I’m spending the money on this year? That’s correct, weight loss surgery. Ha, no it’s my debt.

While it would be great to spend the bonus on something fun or upgrade my mobile the sensible and wise thing to do is spend it on debt. I’ve developed a good habit to put all spare cash and extra earning into reducing my financial liabilities.

It’s easy to forget that the reward for working and hitting targets is earning your wage and even easier to waste it on buying things that you think you need.